|General Moans. The man who's where it's AT! Attention!! General Moans here, Right then you orrible lot lets hear all your gripes and groans now and then you can get on with enjoying your Amiga with it all off of your chest. Any more moans can be sent in to The mag via the normal out(in?)lets. -------------------------------------------------------------------- Magazine Moans. I'm sick and tired of reading a review of a game/util or piece of hardware and then finding out when I've bought it that its crap even though it got a massive raved about review. Is there any way you can help me. Yours faithfully Bin AD from Behind. General Moans replys:- Well binny maybe you should look more carfully, If a magazine was to advertise say... A Viper 28 ram expansion made By power computing, Look for a magazine where There are no adverts for this companys stuff, okay you have found Amiga Shopper (say). Now read the review and you will see that Power computing from Leeds did not supply a viper 28 for review, only a viper 40. This means that the viper 40 is good and that the viper 28 is a pile of shite. To confirm this goto another mag Amiga Format (say) and after powers two page advert you will find the review for a viper 28 saying how kewl it is. You now know for sure that The viper 28 is shite cos power computing had to pay 2000 quid for the advert. This is known in most jobs as a back-hander... ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Cd Rom Trouble. I need your help, I have an Amiga 4000 and would like to fit a cd rom to it internally. I know I can buy a Brilliant GVP scsi card and a Brilliant Mitsumi triple speed rom but I have no money left. I sent my money to a company in Leeds and they have not sent me the goods. This means I have no cd rom and no money can you help or advise me in any way. yours faithfully I.B.Shafted from allways. General Moans Reply is:- Well there are some precautions you can take, Make sure that the company advertising the product has developed it fully. Telephone Leeds and ask to speak to the sales team. When you are put through ask them if you can order a cd rom to fit internally into an Amiga 4000. You will then be told "yes sir we certainly do, can I have your credit card number". Ask again if they have the item in stock. The answer will be "YES". okay now say to the woman "okay ill drive up to Leeds and pick it up now then and pay cash when I get there". "OH just a moment sir" will be the reply, "We seem to be out of stock at the moment". Now you know they dont have the product or the POWER to produce it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ram Board Failure. I recently bought a Viper 28 ram expansion, After making it work hard for a few hours it got very hot and the computor crashed. I rang The company in Leeds and I was told to fit a fan to the CPU. I went to our local computor shop and was told "any modifications to the board will invalidate your warrenty" I explained to the shop that the board was getting hot and failing after a couple of hours hard work. Ummm was the reply. The company in Leeds admitted that there was a major problem with the ram board and that it was frying up, Yet the local shop was not interested. They offered to put it into a machine for a few hours to test it and if it failed they would give me my cash back. Bo*&LcS was my reply. It might be all right if its going to save them giving me back my dosh. The company admitted the board was failing, They admitted it needed a fan. They admitted it was CRAP!!!! What can I do? yours faithfully Rob Ed Blind from Leeds. General Moans reply is:- Well Robb ed I too had a similar experiance but managed to get the POWER to get my cash back. I went straight to trading standards and straight to the consumer advice centre and straight to the citizens advice centre who imeadiately started legal proceedings. There were three of us by this time with the dodgy batch of viper 28's. Within a week we had our money back. Mind you we were told that we were the lucky ones because I taped the telephone conversations with the company in Leeds and during the conversation they admitted the viper 28 was a problem. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Internal Drive Problems. I own an Amiga 4000. I decided to have two high density disk drive fitted internally when I purchased the machine. the trouble is that the drives operate with the lights on all the time, If I format a disk in df0 the lights on df1 stay on until the disk operation in df0 is finnished. It does not effect the disk in df1 but it is annoying. The Drives I had fitted are power computing high densitys and they were 150 pounds for both. Can you help me out!!. Also I have to run a software patch that make the drive read high density disks!! your faithfully Isac Hunt from Leic. General Moans Reply is: Well the company you bought your drives from informed me that there is a bug on the 4000 motherboard that in turn creates the need for a software patch. I am pleased to inform you this is not true, There is not a bug on the motherboard. You should however have fitted a pair of Cumana internal high density drives for 120 pounds. These drives need no software patch. As to the problem of the drive lights Power Computing are developing a special ribbon cable to eradicate this annoying problem, If however you wish to eradicate it yourself you will need a pair of pliers to cut one of the tracks on the cable supplied. The best thing I can recommend is that you only buy quality goods in the future. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Well Thats it for this issue of The Word, Maybe you could help some of the readers with problems I cant answer..... 1/ What happened to the scsi interface for the viper board, It made me buy one. I would have bought the GVP if it had got a scsi at the time. 2/ How come crap companies can rip people off and the magazines still except there 2000 quid adverts? (you just answered that yourself ED) 3/ I can go on and on about a company in Leeds but I have at last learnt my lesson. How can I warn other people about them..... Deck The Ripper Of NFA